Shadow Healing

Discover 3 Core Practices to connect you with the Tarot Spirits, plant seeds of healing, reclaim power from your shadow, and enter the cycle of becoming.


Originally presented:
Monday, October 11, 2021
5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDT /
(Aus: 11:00 am AEDT Tuesday)

Send me the REPLAY link for this FREE Masterclass

with Reid Hart

Shamanic Teacher and Healer

If you’re like me, you want an ongoing connection to your own truth that benefits the world around you.

Perhaps you are unsure where to turn for help in making the changes you need—for personal growth and a better world. Maybe you are just worn down by the events of the last two years and need a boost or refocus.

Maybe you have worked with Tarot cards or astrology, but not found the helpful revelation or support to make positive changes in your life.

Within reach you have these “Flashcards of the Western Mysteries” and the "Truth of the Stars," yet you may feel lost in heady interpretations that leave you without a direct personal connection to a healing and supportive force in your life.

If you are unclear on how to use Astrology and Tarot together to create a vibrant current life, you're not alone.

It’s time to make sense of the cycles in your life, enhance your ability to connect to Spirit Helpers, reclaim power from your shadow self, and generate the positive life direction you have always dreamed of.

What would life be like if you had 22 spiritual healers you could turn to when you needed transformation, healing, or wisdom? What if you could engage these wise and compassionate spirits using the methods shamans have used for eons? What if shining the light on your shadow self was enlivening rather than a chore?

What would happen if you could both unlock challenges from the past and create positive life impacts today and tomorrow using a simple deck of cards and guidance from the stars?

You would find that opportunities appear, blockages resolve, and gifts from the spirits transform your life.

This unique shamanic approach to working directly with astrology and the Tarot works for both the novice  as well as the experienced master of Tarot, Astrology, or both.

Reclaim the power that is literally hiding with your shadow, so that You can shape your own power and let abundance, truth, and wisdom simply unfold in the course of life itself.


Join Reid Hart for this free online event to discover three simple practices to connect with Tarot Spirit powers who help you create a soulful and empowered  life.

Open the Door

Healing begins when you invite Spirit Helpers into your life. Discover and practice a new method to connect with Tarot Spirits. This shamanic process allows you to go far beyond divination, symbolism, or archetypes, and create a direct connection to the living, breathing Tarot Spirits.

Seeds of Change

The Tarot Spirits deliver just the right seeds of change that support positive aspects of your  life path.  Tarot Spirits have a magical ability to reach across time to the past, present, and future and quickly clear barriers to full aliveness. You reclaim power lost to the Shadow-self. Receiving the seeds of change moves you forward. 

The Cycle of Becoming

Continue with the three steps to becoming: healing, transformation, initiation. There is a path you can walk to embracing your Shadow and harmonizing with universal astrological cycles. How do you engage the Tarot Spirits to clear past, present and future astrological aspects and transits, bringing positive gifts into your life?

PLUS: You’ll find out how to go even deeper with these methods so you can create a positive shift in your life and in the world around you.


 Reid is a sought after shamanic teacher and healer, who has presented workshops on shamanism, otherworld exploration, AstroTarot, and the Western Mysteries for more than 20 years. His workshops connect core shamanic practice with Celtic, Nordic, and Western Mystery Traditions. Reid has inspired people from all walks of life to connect with their roots and their own truth. He has taught many to use safe and practical methods to connect to the spirit world and engage their higher spiritual aspirations.

His new book, Tarot Spirit Magic will be out in 2022.

"The combination of shamanic work with Tarot Spirits was very powerful and opened a doorway to reinvigorate my Tarot practice. The workshop helped me feel a deeper connection to Tarot spiritual guidance. "

Aruna Beth Miriam Rose, MA
Past student and Tarot Practitioner, Rose Lotus Healing Arts

When we engage directly with the positive power of the Tarot Spirits, we access ancient spiritual wisdom and support, entering the gateway to the Western Mysteries. We actualize our own power and hold the sovereignty of all living beings, creating both a personal and universal shift to a future that empowers and nourishes all life  

– Reid Hart


Tarot images credit: the Druid Craft Tarot by Will Worthington and Philip and Stepahie Carr-Gomm



Get the Master Class Link for the free webinar
 Tarot Spirits Shadow Healing  with Reid Hart

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