Wednesday, October 12, 2022
5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDT /
(Aus: 11:00 am AEDT Thursday)
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If you’re like me, you want to connect with a positive and fulfilling destiny in your life. You seek a stronger connection to your own spiritual truth to bring power into your life and benefit the world around you.
Perhaps you are unsure where to turn for your next stage of spiritual growth—so you can live with peace and engender a better world.
Maybe you have tried Tarot cards, but not had helpful revelation or support to make positive changes in your life.
You may have studied Qabalah (the Tree of Life), yet you may feel lost in heady interpretations that leave you without a direct personal connection to Spirit.
If you are unclear on how to access spiritual power from Tarot or the Tree of Life or how to benefit from that power in your life, you're not alone.
It’s time to forge an experiential connection with truth, enhance your ability to connect to Spirit Helpers, and move toward empowerment and your destiny in a meaningful way.
What would life be like if you had access to the "spiritual ladder of the ages" and could work with 22 spiritual advisers who provide wisdom, healing, or advice? What if you could connect with the power of the Tree of Life and with these wise and compassionate spirits using the methods shamans have used for eons?
What would happen if you could bring spiritual truth into your everyday life using a simple pack of cards?
What would happen if you could harmonize your body with higher spiritual vibrations and access the power of the Tree of Life in a simple and direct way?
You would discover your true destiny, see life opportunities appear, and be empowered to transform your life and the world around you.
This unique shamanic approach to working directly with the Tree of Life through the Tarot Spirits and Celtic Cauldrons is appropriate for both the novice who has never heard about Qabalah or Tarot and the experienced Tarot reader or spiritual pathworker.
You would be centered in your own power as the path to your destiny simply unfolds before you and the world transforms.
We are looking forward to having you join our international master class LIVE. If you can't be live, we will send you a replay link.
Use an ancient Celtic technique to connect with the Cauldrons in your body. Like a Western Chakra system, the Cauldrons are portals that connect your body directly to the power of evolving spiritual levels through temples on the Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life is a path to the Western Mysteries. Learn how to truly access the Tree's spiritual power with the Tarot Spirits. Engage with the Tree for personal healing and advice.
Discover how working shamanically with the Tarot Spirits and your personal intentions for well being, abundance, relationships, and protection can produce positive results in your life and in the world around you.
Reid is a sought after shamanic teacher and healer, who has presented workshops on shamanism, otherworld exploration, and the Western Mysteries for more than 20 years. His workshops on the Forest Spiral and the Star Spiral connect core shamanic practice with Celtic, Nordic, and Western Mystery Traditions. Reid has inspired people from all walks of life to connect with their roots and their own truth. He has taught many to use safe and practical methods to connect to the spirit world and engage their higher spiritual aspirations.
His forthcoming book, Tarot Spirit Magic will be out in 2023.
"The combination of shamanic work with Tarot Spirits was very powerful and opened a doorway to reinvigorate my Tarot practice. The workshop helped me feel a deeper connection to Tarot spiritual guidance. "
When we engage directly with the positive power of the Tarot Spirits, we access ancient spiritual wisdom and support, entering the gateway to the Western Mysteries. We actualize our own power and hold the sovereignty of all living beings, creating both a personal and universal shift to a future that empowers and nourishes all life
– Reid Hart
Tarot images credit: the Druid Craft Tarot by Will Worthington and Philip and Stepahie Carr-Gomm
Get the Master Class Link for the free webinar
Celtic Cauldron Healing and Tree Magic with Tarot Spirits with Reid Hart